•24/7 accident coverage, on- or off-the-job
•Aflac’s most popular, most usable plan
•Covers most anything from sprained ankles to serious accident situations
•Built in Life Insurance and Wellness Benefit
•Very affordable coverage for the entire family
Short Term Disability
Short Term Disability
•Replaces lost income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury
•Monthly benefit amounts up to $6,000/mo., based on current income levels, up to 2 yrs.
•Especially important if un-interrupted income is necessary
•Great for women planning to have children
•Protects the paycheck - one of people’s greatest concerns
Critical Care
Critical Care
•Covers 10 specific, more-serious health events (critical illness)
•Minimum $7,500 benefit paid for any covered medical event
•Pays a First-Occurrence Benefit, Hospital Confinement and Continuing Care Benefits
•Comprehensive Intensive Care coverage also included for any reason in ICU
•Covers all internal cancers and skin cancer
•Same rates for both smokers and non-smokers
•Initial Diagnosis Benefit
•No lifetime maximum on most benefits
•Annual Wellness Benefit each year
•Dependent children are covered at no additional cost up to age 26
Choice Hospital Confinement
Choice Hospital Confinement
•Select $500, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000 benefit for your initial in-patient hospital stay
•Rehabilitation, ER and Short-Stay Benefits included